On global level MP has formalized a contingency plan and, for some time now, has implemented a monitoring committee to continuously assess the evolution of the situation and promote the appropriate actions, always following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and other health authorities.
We are taking the recommended prevention measures to ensure the best protection of our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Our priority is people’s health.
For those employees who need to be physically present at their workplace, we have implemented the following measures
• Reorganisation of work shifts to minimise garthering of people.
• Reinforcement of cleaning measures.
• Reinforcement of prevention equipment.
MP and its working centers are in a normal state of activity, without incidents and with full-service availability to our clients. We work by applying the criteria of the Ministry of Industry on industrial safety inspections and maintenance. The active teleworking campaign started last week allows us to meet your needs within our regular schedule.
MP SERVICEnter, our online shop available 24 h/365 days, continues its service with total normality, which guarantees the regular supply of spare parts manufactured by MP where and when necessary.
We would like to thank all the MP teams, especially in the factory and the assembly and maintenance technicians, who strive every day to ensure that the quality of our service remains a reality. Without their efforts none of this would be possible.
We understand your concerns in relation with the corona virus propagation; for this reason, we will inform you immediately of any change in the current situation.
We present the necessary prevention measures in the use of the lift.